Programme requirements

  • Develop or refine a solution against the chosen challenge area and deploy it into the relevant Digital Supply Chain Hub Testbed.
  • Showcase tech solution developed in the programme – Digital Catapult does not take ownership of your Intellectual Property developed on the Programme, however, we do require you to present your solution relating to your challenge at the final Showcase event in February 2025.
  • Attend onboarding events hosted by Digital Catapult in September 2024 and the final showcase in February 2025.
  • Attend all of the workshops and/or webinars as agreed from August 2024 – February 2025 and stated in Key Dates.
  • We expect a minimum Co-investment which matches the grant amount from Solution Providers/Grant recipients. There are various categories of co-investment which can be considered.
  • The Co-investments cover the value for money and the cost of delivering the technology solutions. You can find further information on what Co-investment we are looking for here.
  • Participant agrees to be visibly (name and logo) associated with the Programme, whilst on the Programme and afterwards as a former participant and beneficiary. This includes marketing collateral, such as website, print and digital materials.
  • Participant shall complete the Digital Catapult’s EDI Survey (please note each question will have a “prefer not to say” option).
  • For a maximum period of five years following the Project end date, Participant shall use its reasonable endeavours to answer specific questions from Digital Catapult relating to its growth and progress to assist Catapult demonstrate the impact of its activities. This shall include: (i) participation in an annual telephone conversation of one hour, and (ii) participation in a two early survey issued by Digital Catapult.
  • Provide at the end of the programme:
    • Support building a case study with the Digital Catapult team
    • Provide example use cases and impact evidence where relevant
    • Provide a write-up of the Project details and lessons learned
    • Provide a reference architecture as appropriate to the solution